The Contra Costa County Retired Employees Association (CCCREA) was established in 1972 by a group of county retirees who felt there was a need to keep abreast of local and state issues, which could affect their future retirement benefits and health care.

Since many of the founding members of our association were retired Public Employees Union, Local One members, they were able to utilize the union facilities and staff to assist them in the formation stages of the organization.  Eventually, CCCREA morphed into a quasi “membership unit” of the union and was treated accordingly.

Because of this close working relationship for so many years, the association was referred to as the “Local One retirees” by many, when describing the group.  This name reference was also necessitated by the fact that the retirement board’s name was so similar (Contra Costa County Employees Retirement Association – CCCERA), so it was much easier to say than CCCREA.

In 2008, the CCCREA Board of Directors decided it was time to become more autonomous by filing for recognition as a non-profit 501(c)(5) corporation.  CCCREA also gained a tax exempt status from the IRS and the Franchise Tax Board, had our logo was trademarked, and built a new website.

Although CCCREA currently has over 1,600 members, we are working hard to recruit more of the 5,000 Contra Costa County retirees.

CCCREA is affiliated with the California Retired County Employees Association (CRCEA), which was founded in 1969.  This is a state organization that represents the twenty 1937 Act counties throughout California.   A delegate from our association sits on the CRCEA Board of Directors, and works to protect retiree benefits at the state level.  CRCEA has an annual contract with a lobbyist in Sacramento to monitor the various legislative issues which could affect our retirement benefits.

Members of the CCCREA board of directors attend county board of supervisor meetings, as well as retirement board meetings, to stay informed regarding any changes in retirement and health care benefits.  When necessary, the board members will lobby these county organizations for the wellbeing of our members.  This information is relayed back to the Association’s membership via a quarterly newsletter.

CCCREA has a social aspect and subsidizes a 50% reduction in the cost of quarterly luncheons at a local restaurant.  A new member’s first lunch is free.  It also hosts an annual “Day at the Races” at Golden Gate Fields horse racing track in Albany, CA.  CCCREA joins with other retiree groups in the county to host seminars on subjects of interest to retirees and seniors in general.  Starting in 2016, CCCREA will be offering three $1,000 scholarships annually to students who are qualified by a relationship to a member.


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